A bit about me

I’m a passionate software engineer with a bunch of years of experience behind me. While my current role is Software Architect, the title I feel more identified with is developer.

My mother tongue is Java (I’m from the old school) but I also like other languages like Groovy, Golang and TypeScript.

I like reading tech and business news and tinker with my Aeropress trying to brew the perfect cup of coffee.

I also love reading and listening to audio books while commuting. My favourite topics are bussiness, techonology and productivity. You can check what I’m reading now here

I love DevOps and CI/CD stuff which is the main reason to start this blog along with these other two:

  • Improve my communication and writing skills (English is not my mother tongue as you may guess)
  • Create a personal brand

Although this book will be focused on Jenkins, my intention is to write about all kind of CI/CD matters that can be related in some way with this awesome tool.

This is my third attempt to start a blog and I like to think it is the good one.

I hope this blog can be of some help for you.

You can contact or send me feedback at sergio@fontventa.com or Twitter